Orders need 24-48 hrs of processing before they ship out. Please remember shipping time doesn't include these processing days.
Orders above $100 ship for free with USPS Priority.
We offer the below shipping methods.
US. Shipping (Alaska, Hawai & Puerto Rico are not included)
Orders below $100 have 3 available options:
- USPS Ground 5-7 business days after dispatch - $6.5
- USPS Priority 3-5 days business days after dispatch - $10
- USPS Express 1-2 days business days after dispatch - $48
Shipping Information
Kindly note that shipping times may be affected during busy periods.
Ensure you provide the correct address when placing your order. If you mistakenly entered the wrong address and the order has already been shipped, Cordelia Jewelry is not responsible for your package. You will need to contact the shipping carrier directly.